Seraelotech LLC
Cyber-Research | Cyber-Analysis | Cyber-Engineering
Seraelotech Services
Services Limited Only By Your Imagination &/or Needs
Cyber-Research: | Cyber-Analysis: | Cyber-Engineering: |
We Welcome Any Cyber Idea &/or Cyber Consult.
Amazing Creations Await. Give The Word.
What Keeps You Up At Night?
What concerns you about your cyber systems? Slow systems? Network problems? Data backups? Software design? Internal or external security threats? Here's an excerpt taken from Derek's first upcoming book regarding security:
“... security of a system is a moving target; attacks & attackers are a moving bullseye within said moving target. Wherein we may aim & disable a certain attack/attacker, that does nothing for the actual moving target: the security of a system. Henceforth, what occurs is an endless & inexorable loop: a new moving bullseye will inevitably occur within the original moving target. What ensues is a discussion of techniques & methods to at least minimize the moving of a target (stabilize the security of a system) & where to aim & what to do & when to do it & how to possibly get some sleep at night...”
Now that should stir up some concern. Are you sure your systems are secure? What works today will surely change tomorrow as attackers are incredibly savvy and intelligent...
Read more ... “Honorable Veteran. Ethical Hacker. Secure Cybersolutions.”
RECENT PROJECT (2021): Life-Saving Project Re-Engineered & Re-Designed by Seraelotech
1) ALLOWABLE CONTENT SHOWN: video for VIKIE, Inc. - www.vikie.net & one of allowable patent art diagrams 2) PROPRIETARY NOT SHOWN: source code, architecture, patent art, schematics, UML, formal Z notation models *Merely scratching the surface of what Seraelotech can design for you.
About Seraelotech
Seraelotech LLC (pronounced “sir•rail•oh•tech”) is a Cyber Consulting Firm which provides expert cyber service & cyber tutelage that is independent, unbiased, & ethical. Outsourcing Seraelotech will provide you and your team a skilled Cyber-Researcher, Cyber-Analyst, & Cyber-Designer. Task us with your cyber-needs, its requirements, & its timeline and we will approach that mission with one goal in mind: "find (&/or develop) a solution to your cyber problem(s)." Seraelotech is veteran-owned, veteran-certified, & veteran-operated by Derek Scarborough (25+ years experience in multiple tech / engineering disciplines)...
Read more ... “Honorable Veteran. Ethical Hacker. Secure Cybersolutions.”
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What can we design, code, test, or build for you today?
Contact Derek here for a consult & quote.
© 2016-2021, Seraelotech LLC
Web Design by
Derek Scarborough